Disclaimer: Don’t own Ranma ½ except for Daiquiri, Tequila, Iruka, Perfume, and Kumiko. Don’t sue me, I’m broke.



Chapter 6:

Girl Talk



At the Rum kingdom, Iruka was sitting on the ground motionless as Tequila looked at him from her bed with happiness. She never had a guy as a pet before. She knew he wasn’t really a pet, but a love slave mostly.


“So, Iruka, where do you live, if I may ask?” Asked Tequila.


“Nowhere. I’m a traveling martial artist…” replied Iruka.


“Really? That’s sound exciting,” commented the black hair girl.


“What do you mean?” Iruka looked up to her.


“I mean to travel to different kinds of places, meeting people, and eat different kinds of food,” remarked Tequila as she sat on the floor with him.


“It gets lonely sometimes traveling on your own,” replied the brown haired boy.


“Well its still exciting. Did you know I’m sixteen and I’ve never left this castle?”


“Why? Aren’t you a princess here? You can do what you please.”


“Yeah, at times. My brother is very protective of me. Maybe even selfish for not letting me meet someone. He commanded all the ninjas to make sure I never left this kingdom.”


“Wow, that’s kind of sad…”


“It is. I want to meet people and maybe even find the guy I would marry one day…” The princess turned and looked into Iruka’s eyes.


He felt a sudden feeling as Tequila looked at him. It wasn’t the same feeling he felt for Akane but it was close. Still, he couldn’t get Akane out of his mind. He turned away as Tequila just looked.


“Why are you turning away from me?” Asked the princess.


“I already like somebody,” said Iruka still not looking at her.


She wasn’t shocked at all and she knew already whom he was smitten with. It was Akane… It was so obvious when he tried to shield the short raven haired girl from her brother. She gave a sigh until she thought of something for her advantage.


“But… isn’t she engaged to that Ranma Saotome?” Asked the princess.


“Yes, but they’re having disagreements right now about their love. I can tell by their last fight they had before we came here,” replied Iruka.


“Those two have gone through a lot of things from what I heard. They went through family pressuring them to marry; jealous, dangerous fiancees and suitors; and kidnapping, but through it all their love for one another has sustained them day by day.”


“They don’t love each other. As much as I saw and heard, they like to fight a lot.”


“You can fight every day with a person, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t have a secret affection for them. I’ve always fought with my brother, but we love each other to death.”


Iruka started to think. He remembers in Ranma and Akane’s fight that he heard them talking about a wedding. He finally realized that what the princess was saying could be very true. He lowered his head in disappointment as Tequila placed his hand on his back.


“I was drawn to her by her kindness and beauty. She took me in when I needed somewhere to stay. I thought I was in love with her….” The traveling martial artist trailed off sadly.


“Maybe you were in instant love with her.” replied Tequila. “Do not worry you’re not the only one who fell in instant love.” Said Tequila.


Iruka turned towards her and looked into her emerald eyes. She placed her hands on his face as she moved her face closer to him.


“I do believe I am in love with you…” The princess spoke softly as she drew his face nearer still.


Without another word, their lips met. It was a very passionate, yet gentle kiss. Iruka was shocked but somehow his body returned the kiss. He placed his arms around her as she wrapped her arms around his neck. It took them some time, but minutes later they broke their kiss and embrace.


“You’re a good kisser…” commented Iruka as he blushed a deep crimson.


“As are you,” replied the raven hair girl also blushing. “I am sorry for being so forward.”


“It’s okay… I liked it though.”


Tequila looked up at him and gave him a rather cute smile. He felt his face started to glow and gave a small chuckle. He took his hand and placed it on top of her head looking as if he was petting her.


Meanwhile in Daiquiri’s bedroom, Akane sat in a chair while Daiquiri laid on his bed looking at him. (a/n: Like sister like brother! They love the bed, don’t they? ^_^) Akane felt no desire to talk to him, but there too much silence.


“So, what do you like about Shampoo so much?” Asked Akane.


“Well, she IS the strongest amazon in her tribe and her beauty surpasses all…”


“What about her personality?” Akane crossed her arms in contempt.


“Who cares about that?! Besides, she is persistent, stubborn, and ruthless. That’s the kind of queen I want for my kingdom,” replied the prince.


“Well, that’s great! I mean, what’s so different about her and her sister?”


“Perfume? Well, actually, Perfume was my first choice. When we were younger, I fell in love with her. She is very smart crafty and actually she is stronger than her sister.”


“Yeah, sometimes you can’t really tell, but Perfume is probably is the brain of the sister if it wasn’t for her going ga-ga over Ryoga.”


“She was special until she beat me up one day and threatened to kill me if I ever tried to court her.”


Inside of Akane, she was laughing at that last comment. She knew Perfume was a great martial artist, but for her to beat the prince as a boy was mildly funny.


“Anyway, Shampoo is more my style plus I know I can win her by getting you and Saotome married here.” Daiquiri said as he smiled confidently.


“There’s no way I’ll marry Ranma anytime soon. We promised each other that we wouldn’t wed until we’re ready,” Akane’s face began to cloud over in anger.


“Nevertheless, when Ranma and you rejoin once and for all, I’ll take Shampoo and we will be married.” Replied Daiquiri with a smile.


Akane gave him a very angry look. Shampoo wasn’t her favorite person, but no person deserves to marry someone they did not love.


“Tell me, Akane, why do you love Ranma so?” Asked Daiquiri.


She froze at that question. She never told anyone her true feelings about Ranma before, not even her sisters. Some knew about her feelings, but she never expressed it out loud to anyone. Was it time for her to finally express it?


“How I feel about Ranma can not truly be expressed at this time, but let me say this… I could never feel the same for anyone else in my days on this planet.”  Akane responded.


“I know you love him, but why?” Asked the prince once more looking at her.


“Even though we fight all the time and I always hit or kick him, we have this understanding on how we both feel for each other. Ranma can be a baka a lot of times, but at the end he shows some way to say he’s sorry.” Akane spoke thoughtfully.


“How sweet….” Commented Daiquiri sarcastically. “I believe that true love is not alive anymore, so you must have given in to your parents.”


“No way! You must be blind and stupid to say that!”


Daiquiri ran towards her and picked her up by the throat. She started to struggle as he looked at her trying to be free herself. She looked at him as she place her hand on his arm to stop.


“No one insults me like that! You will learn your place girl or you won’t survive when you see your prince charming.” Said Daiquiri.


He released her as she coughed up a storm. She sat back on the chair as he left her in the room with the door locked. She has never been touched liked that before. She knew from now on she had to pick her words carefully before speaking. Still, she knew it was wrong for him to hurt her like that. Tears started to form in her eyes as she covered her face with her hand.




At night on the ship, the group just finished eating a meal in the ship’s galley.


“The food wasn’t that bad!” Ranma commented with a broad smile on his face..


“That because Ranma eat whatever he gets hands on!” Shampoo chided him.


Everyone laughed as Shampoo just smiled at Ranma. It was good to be happy again around him. Suddenly, Ranma gave a loud yawn.


“I think it’s time for us to hit the hay,” spoke the pigtail boy as he stretched his arms.


“Yes, we need to rest our bodies. Tomorrow evening we will be at the village and then on to saving Akane and Iruka,” Mousse stated..


They all nodded. They seemed to understand that even though they were having a good time on the ship together, this was still a serious mission especially for Ranma.




“Good night, airen. May your dreams be filled with happiness,” Perfume said with a seductive smile.


“Uh, alright, Perfume. Good night!” Ryoga replied, scratching his head.


“See ya, Kumiko,” said Mousse with a smile.


“Yes, Good night, Mousse-san,” replied Kumiko blushing a bit.


“What’s the formal name calling for? You are my boss, of course,” Mousse chuckled.


“Good night, Ranma,” said Shampoo with a bow.


“Good night to you, too, Shampoo,” Ranma looked at her posture. “You don’t have to bow to me.”


“I wanted to,” said the purple haired amazon.


Later that night, the girls could not go to sleep. Kumiko came out of the bathroom as Shampoo brushed her hair and Perfume read a Latin book.


“My goodness, Perfume, aren’t you bored when you read books like that?” Asked Kumiko.


“No, is very exciting, actually. It help Perfume get better in other languages than Mandarin Chinese and Japanese. That remind me that Perfume need to freshen up in Japanese a bit. Perfume still sound like bimbo. Sound like old name of yours, Shampoo,” said Perfume jokingly.


“Yes…” said Shampoo sitting on her bed.


“Is anything the matter, Shampoo? You’re not your usual cheery self,” The priestess sat down beside her.


“Well, it’s just…” Shampoo looked at the floor, avoiding the other’s eyes.


“She still has feelings for Ranma,” replied Perfume as she placed her book down.


“Oh, really?” asked Kumiko, looking at the purple haired amazon.


“Sister is right… but I know he no will pick me. He see Shampoo as only friend and Shampoo for now must be happy with that,” replied Shampoo with a frown.


Suddenly, Shampoo took her hands and covered her face as she started to cry. She couldn’t stop the pain and sorrow anymore. She thought being just Ranma’s friend was enough, but it wasn’t. She felt so weak and alone.


 The other two girls looked at each other. They knew how much Shampoo loved Ranma, but they also knew his heart was for Akane. Still, they knew for now they had to make her stop the tears and put a smile back on her face.


“What is this! Is Shampoo, our champion of the amazons, crying over a man? Is not good. Listen dear sister, you have taught me how to be strong for self and have not just excelled in books but also in fighting skills. Why, if it wasn’t for you, Perfume would be average fighter and not as strong as Shampoo and Ranma.” Encouraged Perfume as she looked at her sister.


“That’s right, Shampoo. You have many friends beside you, so you don’t need to worry. Besides, Ranma and Akane might be in love, but they can get out of love…” said Kumiko placing a hand on Shampoo’s shoulder.


“She right! Maybe if Shampoo take time, Ranma start to like Shampoo.” Replied the pink haired amazon.


“You really think so?” Asked Shampoo.


The two girls nodded with a smile. Shampoo thought for a moment and then gave a smile herself. She never knew that she had such a good friend and sister.


“And besides, Shampoo, we all have boy trouble,” said Kumiko.


“Huh? Perfume no have trouble,” said Perfume looking at them.


“Oh, yes you do. Doesn’t Ryoga still like Akane?” Asked Kumiko with a smirk on her face.


“He just not using head right now! He know Perfume love him very much and he love Perfume back.”  Said Perfume crossing her arms.


“Have you asked him that or heard him say that?” Asked Kumiko.


Perfume opened her mouth but didn’t say a word. She knew the answer was no. Ryoga is a very passionate person, but he’s very shy with girls, especially the ones he likes. She heard him say hints on how he felt for her, but most of the time it was obvious he liked Akane. Perfume started to feel tears working into her eyes until Kumiko and Shampoo placed their hands on her shoulders.


“Don’t tell me strong amazon warrior is about to cry for man,” said Shampoo smiling.


“Perfume, don’t you dare cry! Like I said we all have our boy problems. I’m chicken to tell Mousse how I feel, but he probably doesn’t like me…” Kumiko trailed off.


Kumiko looked down as she thought to herself how weak she was compared to the amazon twins. They expressed how they felt to the men they loved, but she feared the possible rejection that she would receive from the male amazon she adored. She felt a tear wanting to pour out until the amazon twins hit her with pillows. She started to scream until she got free and pounced on her bed.


“Oh, two on one isn’t fair at all!” said Kumiko as she grabbed her own pillow.


“Hey, girls!  We heard screaming!” said Ranma rushing in.


They started to fight and laugh until Ranma, Ryoga, and Mousse rushed in. The boys looked them over. Three beautiful girls in their tight, short, nightshirts were looking at the boys blushing away.


“Uh, what’s going on?” Asked Mousse.


“I think we came at a bad time,” said Ryoga trying to hold his nose before it would bleed.


“Hey, how about you get out here!” said Kumiko trying to cover up. “If you weren’t our friends, I’d call you all perverts!”


The trio ran out thinking Kumiko would start throwing things at them like Akane. The girls laughed at how fast they ran.


“We have funny men we love,” said Perfume closing the door still giggling.


“I hope they didn’t hear what we talked about earlier,” said Shampoo.


“It nothing to really worry,” replied Perfume picking up another book.


“I tell you, Perfume, you’re turning into a nerd,” said Kumiko jokingly.


“Hey! Don’t be jealous that I have a brain and you don’t, priestess,” Perfume smiled jokingly.


Shampoo couldn’t help but to laugh at them. They were happy she felt better.


“Hey, let’s make a promise. We will not give up no matter what to get the men we love until they made their final decisions,” said the priestess with a smile.


The two amazons looked at each other and smiled. They knew they could live up to this promise.


“We promise, too!” unison the amazon twins as they hit the other girl with their pillows again.



To be continued…



A/n: Sorry I haven’t updated. I’ve been really busy and I had writer’s block for a bit, but I’m back. I’ll be doing my best to update, so please read and review, but no flames. ^_^